The old central Texas building with the old Ford sitting next to it. A picture of days gone by. This image is a 28×15 gallery wrap canvas.
The old central Texas building with the old Ford sitting next to it. A picture of days gone by. This image is a 28×15 gallery wrap canvas.
A friend’s old nautical lantern illuminating the evening newspaper. It’s a 36×26 gallery wrap canvas.
Another of the phone booth series. This one featuring the county courthouse in Lock hart, Texas. It’s a 31×20 gallery wrap canvas.
Another trip down Pier Road, this time in the morning fog. So many times the trip down Pier Road was at high tide, daylight and warm as we put in our kayaks and paddled around the islands and out to Goat Island Light. This is a matted framed print 40×29.
The Bass Harbor Light in Maine is perched on a cliff overlooking the water. A 14×11 gallery wrap canvas.
A poster entry for the Wimberley Valley Art League Arts Fest in 2010. An 18×24 gallery wrap canvas.